michael gallucci


In album review on 09/15/2011 at 11:00 am

New Found Glory



A dozen-plus years into their career, OG pop-punks New Found Glory still sound like the bratty new kids on the block. They don’t mess with much on their seventh album, sticking with the three-minute, hook-filled blasts of catchy punk they helped pioneer. But all the nagging adolescent angst (“falling in love is like a train wreck”) is starting to feel a bit worn on 31-year-old singer Jordan Pundik and his Florida bandmates. Aren’t there prescription drugs available to help cheer him up? Still, it’s hard to shake the melodic pull of Radiosurgery, even if the 11 tracks become a blur of guitars and whines after awhile. Standout songs: the punchy title tune and “Caught in the Act,” in which Best Coast’s Bethany Cosentino gets to offer some female perspective to Pundik’s endless bitching. 

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